Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Guys,is tagged again

Name - Ong Sze Yen
Sister - -
Brothers - 2
Shoe Size - 6
Where do u live - taman muda,cheras
Favourite drinks - any soda drinks
Favourite breakfast - slice of cake
Have you been on the plane - ya
Swam in the ocean - ya,almost..
Broken someone's heart - ya and im sorry bout it
Fallen asleep in school - hehehe..yup =p
Fell of your chair - nop..proud of it.. =)
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call - NEVER,better for me to slp
Saved e-mails - yup..lazy to delete them =)
What is your room like - my dreamland for me
What is the last thing you ate - sushi (narhx jesmyn,i ate sushi again) =)

Chicken pox - yes..and it make me cant join my family for a vacation
Stitches - nope
Broken nose - no
Do you believe in love at first sight - dreaming again..=)
Who was the last person you danced with - sonia
Last person who made you smile -elmo i guess..

Talked to someone you like - of talkative
Kissed anyone - nope
Get sick - nope
Talked to an ex - nope..hardly to talk to them
Missing someone - maybe
Best feeling in the world- nop..wondering how is it
Do you sleep with stuffed animals - no ==
What's under your bed - clear,nothing
What is the time now - 5.34

Is there a person on your mind right now - Ya..
Do you want children - Maybe after 9-10years later
Do you smile often - If i dont smile,i guess it might something wrong with me
What colour shirt are you wearing now - mum warn me to run when i saw a bull
When did you cry last - 11/3,the day i came back from ns
Are you a friendly person - haha..ya..i guess
Where is the person you have feelings for right now - i dont know..blink blink
Do you eat healthy - erm..sometime
Do you still have pictures with you and your ex - still there..==..geli~~
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you - ya..1st time because of them..
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to - jesmyn..or others that i can trust..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time - quiet..cant believe right?
Are you confident - YUP..

1. chocolate
2. mamee
3. fruit tart
4. cake
5. bread stick

5 Person I have to tag:
1. Qiqii
2. Elmo
3. Boon Sin
4. Nicholas
5. Aki